ImagickException [ 435 ]:
/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/functions/preview_tassen.php [ 36 ]
31 $imageObj = Model_Image::factory($image_id);
32 $org_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $imageObj->getPathOriginal();
33 // error_log($org_file);
34 @mkdir(dirname($templateFile), 0777, true);
35 @chmod(dirname($templateFile), 0777);
36 $img = new Imagick($org_file);
37 $cs = $img->getImageColorspace();
38 if ($cs == Imagick::COLORSPACE_GRAY) {
39 $img->setImageColorSpace(Imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB);
40 }
41 $nwidth = $nheight = 0;
/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/functions/preview_tassen.php [ 36 ] » Imagick->__construct(arguments)
string(116) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/fotodb/user_0000000000/user_00330000/user_00330434/com/0012000000/12081000/12081954.jpg"
31 $imageObj = Model_Image::factory($image_id); 32 $org_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $imageObj->getPathOriginal(); 33 // error_log($org_file); 34 @mkdir(dirname($templateFile), 0777, true); 35 @chmod(dirname($templateFile), 0777); 36 $img = new Imagick($org_file); 37 $cs = $img->getImageColorspace(); 38 if ($cs == Imagick::COLORSPACE_GRAY) { 39 $img->setImageColorSpace(Imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB); 40 } 41 $nwidth = $nheight = 0;
APPPATH/classes/Controller/Products.php [ 1033 ] » cut_tassen_preview(arguments)
string(8) "12081954"
1028 } 1029 } 1030 1031 public function action_14() { 1032 include_once(DOCPATH . 'functions/preview_tassen.php'); 1033 cut_tassen_preview($this->request->param('id')); 1034 $this->productPage->sizeselect = View::factory( 1035 $this->request->controller() . '/boxen/box.sizeselect.tassen', 1036 array( 1037 'sizes' => Kohana::$config->load('products.tassen.sizes'), 1038 )
APPPATH/classes/Controller/Products.php [ 345 ] » Controller_Products->action_14()
340 exit(); 341 } 342 if(isset($_REQUEST['feedref']) && !empty($_REQUEST['feedref'])) { 343 $_SESSION['feedref'] = $_REQUEST["feedref"]; 344 } 345 $this->$theAction(); 346 } 347 348 public function after() { 349 $this->defaultProducts = new DefaultImageProduct($this->request->param('id'), get_SIS_ID()); 350 $defaultProduct = $this->defaultProducts->getImageProduct($this->typId);
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller.php [ 84 ] » Controller_Products->action_index()
79 [':uri' => $this->request->uri()] 80 )->request($this->request); 81 } 82 83 // Execute the action itself 84 $this->{$action}(); 85 86 // Execute the "after action" method 87 $this->after(); 88 89 // Return the response
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Controller->execute()
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client/Internal.php [ 94 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke(arguments)
object Controller_Products(15)
{ protected defaultProducts => NULL protected productPage => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(84) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/productpage.php" protected _data => array(9) ( "image" => string(8) "12081954" "productList" => array(15) ( "Leinwand" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "2" "name" => string(8) "leinwand" "name_eng" => string(6) "Canvas" "default" => string(2) "ja" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "1" "typ_id" => string(1) "2" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "2" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "20.86" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(83) "1UXMJXDDeDc,BR15JxFtLus,7ZcNV8saOms,Rdl7sHyCdG4,UJoG903Eks8,N2Y1co-hIHM,d9gKxPiF904" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(127) "Der Druck auf Leinwand ist eine beeindruckende Möglichkeit, ein Bild in perfekter Art und Weise direkt an die Wand zu hängen." "start_sort" => string(1) "2" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "500044,19,505306,500046" ) "Tapete" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "6" "name" => string(6) "tapete" "name_eng" => string(9) "Wallpaper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "6" "typ_id" => string(1) "6" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "21" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "20" "price" => string(5) "23.96" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(47) "R_mUPJikKmc,Z7JoJdTyGvg,3Q73PO8LL2g,5GPKyn4TPDQ" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(107) "Wir drucken Ihre Wunschtapete auf Vlies exakt nach Ihren Maßen. Ihre Wand wird zum Kunstwerk, riesengroß!" "start_sort" => string(1) "6" "google_cat" => string(36) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Tapeten" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2334" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2334,500044,500046" ) "Papier" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "name" => string(6) "papier" "name_eng" => string(5) "Paper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "2" "typ_id" => string(1) "1" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "1" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "16.67" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(35) "GgHcReyOXGs,yht5afOIa8k,AnX-JvWQUaE" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(111) "Der Druck auf Künstlerpapier, auf Wunsch gerahmt hinter Glas, ist nach wie vor die erste Wahl vieler Galerien." "start_sort" => string(1) "0" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(20) "500044,597,39,500046" ) "Tasse" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "14" "name" => string(5) "tasse" "name_eng" => string(3) "Mug" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "14" "typ_id" => string(2) "14" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "14" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "jJrLG2m19Ns" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(104) "Durch den hochwertigen Druck in Verbindung mit der glänzenden Oberfläche wird die Tasse zum Highlight." "start_sort" => string(2) "12" "google_cat" => string(90) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Tafelgeschirr > Trinkgefäße > Kaffee- und Teetassen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "6049" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "6049,500044,500046" ) "Fensterfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "27" "name" => string(12) "fensterfolie" "name_eng" => string(11) "Window-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "27" "typ_id" => string(2) "27" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "27" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "9.56" "video" => string(5) "false" "code" => string(0) "" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(134) "Lassen Sie Ihre Glasflächen in einem neuen Look erstrahlen. Weiße Flächen erscheinen nach dem Druck, in diesem Bereich transpare …" "start_sort" => string(2) "22" "google_cat" => string(61) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Fensterdrapierung > Fensterfolie" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "5989" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "5989,3221,500044,500046" ) "Türfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "23" "name" => string(13) "türfolie" "name_eng" => string(9) "Door-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "23" "typ_id" => string(2) "23" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "23" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "13.00" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "OSxw_u2_B9U" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(103) "Mit unseren hochwertigen und einfach aufzubringenden Türfolien werden Ihre Türen zum neuen Hingucker." "start_sort" => string(2) "21" "google_cat" => string(43) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Deko-Aufkleber" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "3221" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "3221,500044,500046" ) "Untersetzer" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "29" "name" => string(11) "untersetzer" "name_eng" => string(14) "Drink-Coasters" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "29" "typ_id" => string(2) "29" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "29" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "3.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "qUMXTzMjvvU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(124) "Der neuste Trend für Ihre Tischdekoration oder auch als Fotogeschenk das absolute Highlight, sind individuelle Untersetzer." "start_sort" => string(2) "24" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Bar-Utensilien > Glasuntersetzer & Bierdeckel" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2363" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2363,500044,500046" ) "Kissen" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "17" "name" => string(6) "kissen" "name_eng" => string(6) "Pillow" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "17" "typ_id" => string(2) "17" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "17" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "19.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "0S7tzc09IZU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(125) "Wir bedrucken den Stoff vollflächig mit Ihrem Wunschmotiv und nähen anschließend. Dadurch entstehen keine weißen Ränder." "start_sort" => string(2) "15" "google_cat" => string(39) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Zierkissen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "4454" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "4454,500044,500046" ) "Glas-Schneidebrett" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "28" "name" => string(18) "glas-schneidebrett" "name_eng" => string(18) "Glass-Cuttingboard" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "28" "typ_id" => string(2) "28" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "28" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(5) "14.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "relHhTsfHVw" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(99) "Die Oberfläche weist eine messerschonende geriffelte Struktur auf und ist Spülmaschinen geeignet." "start_sort" => string(2) "23" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Küchenhelfer & -utensilien > Schneidebretter" "google_cat_id" => string(3) "666" "google_cat_id2" => string(17) "666,500044,500046" ) "Mousepad" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "name" => string(8) "mousepad" "name_eng" => string(8) "Mousepad" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "13" "typ_id" => string(2) "13" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "13" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "5" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "Hy81AEnUEsc" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(86) "Der hochwertige Druck macht unsere Mauspads zum neuen Liebling auf Ihrem Schreibtisch." "start_sort" => string(2) "11" "google_cat" => string(67) "Elektronik > Elektronisches Zubehör > Computerzubehör > Mousepads" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "1993" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "1993,500044,500046" ) "Poster" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "7" "name" => string(6) "poster" "name_eng" => string(6) "Poster" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "7" "typ_id" => string(1) "7" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "7" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "6" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "9.84" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(23) "kKrnEL325S0,YSD1jt92tV8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(119) "Nur Poster wäre wirklich nicht der passende Begriff für diese hochwertigen Ausdrucke auf feinstem Premium Fotopapier." "start_sort" => string(1) "7" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(13) "500044,500046" ) "Label" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(5) "label" "name_eng" => string(5) "Label" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "9" "typ_id" => string(1) "9" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "9" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "7" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(5) "10.80" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "acOSZNXbY2E" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(129) "Das Label besitzt eine High-Tech-Klebeschicht, die es auch bei sehr großen Formaten ermöglicht, völlig blasenfrei aufzukleben." "start_sort" => string(1) "9" "google_cat" => string(43) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Deko-Aufkleber" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "3221" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "3221,500044,500046" ) "Grußkarte" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "5" "name" => string(10) "grußkarte" "name_eng" => string(13) "Greeting-card" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "5" "typ_id" => string(1) "5" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "5" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "8" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "2.69" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "hp5afIjTZg8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(118) "Auf modernsten Drucksystemen entstehen alle Grußkarten in der gleichen Museumsqualität, wie unsere anderen Produkte." "start_sort" => string(2) "18" "google_cat" => string(62) "Kunst & Unterhaltung > Party & Feiern > Schenken > Grußkarten" "google_cat_id" => string(2) "95" "google_cat_id2" => string(24) "95,1371,24,500044,500046" ) "Tischdecke" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "22" "name" => string(10) "tischdecke" "name_eng" => string(10) "Tablecloth" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "22" "typ_id" => string(2) "22" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "22" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "8" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "14.26" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "QU5Puf9-ACs" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(136) "Die Tischdecke lässt Ihr zu Hause im neuen Design erstrahlen. Sie besteht aus einem leichtem Stoff, die Naht wird dem Muster ang …" "start_sort" => string(2) "20" "google_cat" => string(72) "Heim & Garten > Bett- und Haushaltswäsche > Tischwäsche > Tischtücher" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "4143" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "4143,500044,500046" ) "Schieferplatte" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "30" "name" => string(14) "schieferplatte" "name_eng" => string(13) "Slate-Platter" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "30" "typ_id" => string(2) "30" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "30" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(2) "10" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "18.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(23) "KkuMER8JyY0,K0gOzz9JlT8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(124) "Die natürliche Oberflächenstruktur mit welligen und abfallenden Rändern verleiht Ihren Motiven einen echten Schieferlook." "start_sort" => string(2) "25" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(22) "500044,2377,597,500046" ) ) "previewBox" => object View(2)
protected image => object Model_Image(9){ protected _file => string(106) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/previewboxen/defaultShowFullImage.php" protected _data => array(0) }
"styleShared" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(83) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/styles/css.php" protected _data => array(0) }
"scriptShared" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(83) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/scripts/js.php" protected _data => array(1) ( "imageDatenJs" => array(3) ( "id" => string(8) "12081954" "width" => string(4) "8018" "height" => string(4) "5345" ) ) }
"produktwahl" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(100) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/boxen/box.productselect_sis.php" protected _data => array(2) ( "image" => string(8) "12081954" "productList" => array(15) ( "Leinwand" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "2" "name" => string(8) "leinwand" "name_eng" => string(6) "Canvas" "default" => string(2) "ja" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "1" "typ_id" => string(1) "2" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "2" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "20.86" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(83) "1UXMJXDDeDc,BR15JxFtLus,7ZcNV8saOms,Rdl7sHyCdG4,UJoG903Eks8,N2Y1co-hIHM,d9gKxPiF904" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(127) "Der Druck auf Leinwand ist eine beeindruckende Möglichkeit, ein Bild in perfekter Art und Weise direkt an die Wand zu hängen." "start_sort" => string(1) "2" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "500044,19,505306,500046" ) "Tapete" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "6" "name" => string(6) "tapete" "name_eng" => string(9) "Wallpaper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "6" "typ_id" => string(1) "6" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "21" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "20" "price" => string(5) "23.96" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(47) "R_mUPJikKmc,Z7JoJdTyGvg,3Q73PO8LL2g,5GPKyn4TPDQ" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(107) "Wir drucken Ihre Wunschtapete auf Vlies exakt nach Ihren Maßen. Ihre Wand wird zum Kunstwerk, riesengroß!" "start_sort" => string(1) "6" "google_cat" => string(36) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Tapeten" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2334" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2334,500044,500046" ) "Papier" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "name" => string(6) "papier" "name_eng" => string(5) "Paper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "2" "typ_id" => string(1) "1" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "1" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "16.67" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(35) "GgHcReyOXGs,yht5afOIa8k,AnX-JvWQUaE" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(111) "Der Druck auf Künstlerpapier, auf Wunsch gerahmt hinter Glas, ist nach wie vor die erste Wahl vieler Galerien." "start_sort" => string(1) "0" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(20) "500044,597,39,500046" ) "Tasse" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "14" "name" => string(5) "tasse" "name_eng" => string(3) "Mug" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "14" "typ_id" => string(2) "14" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "14" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "jJrLG2m19Ns" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(104) "Durch den hochwertigen Druck in Verbindung mit der glänzenden Oberfläche wird die Tasse zum Highlight." "start_sort" => string(2) "12" "google_cat" => string(90) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Tafelgeschirr > Trinkgefäße > Kaffee- und Teetassen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "6049" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "6049,500044,500046" ) "Fensterfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "27" "name" => string(12) "fensterfolie" "name_eng" => string(11) "Window-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "27" "typ_id" => string(2) "27" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "27" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "9.56" "video" => string(5) "false" "code" => string(0) "" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(134) "Lassen Sie Ihre Glasflächen in einem neuen Look erstrahlen. Weiße Flächen erscheinen nach dem Druck, in diesem Bereich transpare …" "start_sort" => string(2) "22" "google_cat" => string(61) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Fensterdrapierung > Fensterfolie" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "5989" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "5989,3221,500044,500046" ) "Türfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "23" "name" => string(13) "türfolie" "name_eng" => string(9) "Door-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "23" "typ_id" => string(2) "23" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "23" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "13.00" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "OSxw_u2_B9U" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(103) "Mit unseren hochwertigen und einfach aufzubringenden Türfolien werden Ihre Türen zum neuen Hingucker." "start_sort" => string(2) "21" "google_cat" => string(43) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Deko-Aufkleber" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "3221" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "3221,500044,500046" ) "Untersetzer" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "29" "name" => string(11) "untersetzer" "name_eng" => string(14) "Drink-Coasters" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "29" "typ_id" => string(2) "29" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "29" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "3.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "qUMXTzMjvvU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(124) "Der neuste Trend für Ihre Tischdekoration oder auch als Fotogeschenk das absolute Highlight, sind individuelle Untersetzer." "start_sort" => string(2) "24" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Bar-Utensilien > Glasuntersetzer & Bierdeckel" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2363" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2363,500044,500046" ) "Kissen" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "17" "name" => string(6) "kissen" "name_eng" => string(6) "Pillow" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "17" "typ_id" => string(2) "17" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "17" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "19.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "0S7tzc09IZU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(125) "Wir bedrucken den Stoff vollflächig mit Ihrem Wunschmotiv und nähen anschließend. Dadurch entstehen keine weißen Ränder." "start_sort" => string(2) "15" "google_cat" => string(39) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Zierkissen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "4454" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "4454,500044,500046" ) "Glas-Schneidebrett" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "28" "name" => string(18) "glas-schneidebrett" "name_eng" => string(18) "Glass-Cuttingboard" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "28" "typ_id" => string(2) "28" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "28" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(5) "14.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "relHhTsfHVw" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(99) "Die Oberfläche weist eine messerschonende geriffelte Struktur auf und ist Spülmaschinen geeignet." "start_sort" => string(2) "23" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Küchenhelfer & -utensilien > Schneidebretter" "google_cat_id" => string(3) "666" "google_cat_id2" => string(17) "666,500044,500046" ) "Mousepad" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "name" => string(8) "mousepad" "name_eng" => string(8) "Mousepad" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "13" "typ_id" => string(2) "13" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "13" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "5" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "Hy81AEnUEsc" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(86) "Der hochwertige Druck macht unsere Mauspads zum neuen Liebling auf Ihrem Schreibtisch." "start_sort" => string(2) "11" "google_cat" => string(67) "Elektronik > Elektronisches Zubehör > Computerzubehör > Mousepads" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "1993" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "1993,500044,500046" ) "Poster" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "7" "name" => string(6) "poster" "name_eng" => string(6) "Poster" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "7" "typ_id" => string(1) "7" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "7" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "6" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "9.84" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(23) "kKrnEL325S0,YSD1jt92tV8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(119) "Nur Poster wäre wirklich nicht der passende Begriff für diese hochwertigen Ausdrucke auf feinstem Premium Fotopapier." "start_sort" => string(1) "7" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(13) "500044,500046" ) "Label" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(5) "label" "name_eng" => string(5) "Label" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "9" "typ_id" => string(1) "9" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "9" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "7" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(5) "10.80" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "acOSZNXbY2E" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(129) "Das Label besitzt eine High-Tech-Klebeschicht, die es auch bei sehr großen Formaten ermöglicht, völlig blasenfrei aufzukleben." "start_sort" => string(1) "9" "google_cat" => string(43) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Deko-Aufkleber" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "3221" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "3221,500044,500046" ) "Grußkarte" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "5" "name" => string(10) "grußkarte" "name_eng" => string(13) "Greeting-card" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "5" "typ_id" => string(1) "5" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "5" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "8" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "2.69" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "hp5afIjTZg8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(118) "Auf modernsten Drucksystemen entstehen alle Grußkarten in der gleichen Museumsqualität, wie unsere anderen Produkte." "start_sort" => string(2) "18" "google_cat" => string(62) "Kunst & Unterhaltung > Party & Feiern > Schenken > Grußkarten" "google_cat_id" => string(2) "95" "google_cat_id2" => string(24) "95,1371,24,500044,500046" ) "Tischdecke" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "22" "name" => string(10) "tischdecke" "name_eng" => string(10) "Tablecloth" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "22" "typ_id" => string(2) "22" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "22" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "8" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "14.26" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "QU5Puf9-ACs" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(136) "Die Tischdecke lässt Ihr zu Hause im neuen Design erstrahlen. Sie besteht aus einem leichtem Stoff, die Naht wird dem Muster ang …" "start_sort" => string(2) "20" "google_cat" => string(72) "Heim & Garten > Bett- und Haushaltswäsche > Tischwäsche > Tischtücher" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "4143" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "4143,500044,500046" ) "Schieferplatte" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "30" "name" => string(14) "schieferplatte" "name_eng" => string(13) "Slate-Platter" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "30" "typ_id" => string(2) "30" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "30" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(2) "10" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "18.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(23) "KkuMER8JyY0,K0gOzz9JlT8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(124) "Die natürliche Oberflächenstruktur mit welligen und abfallenden Rändern verleiht Ihren Motiven einen echten Schieferlook." "start_sort" => string(2) "25" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(22) "500044,2377,597,500046" ) ) ) }
"spiegelauswahl" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(97) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/boxen/box.spiegelauswahl.php" protected _data => array(1) ( "availableSpiegels" => array(3) ( "normal" => bool TRUE "flop" => bool FALSE "flip" => bool FALSE ) ) }
"filterauswahl" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(96) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/boxen/box.filterauswahl.php" protected _data => array(1) ( "availableFilters" => array(4) ( "normal" => bool TRUE "bw" => bool FALSE "sepia" => bool FALSE "negate" => bool FALSE ) ) }
"selectionToCart" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(102) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/Products/boxen/box.yourSelectionToCart.php" protected _data => array(3) ( "detailname" => string(16) "Details zu Tasse" "productList" => array(15) ( "Leinwand" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "2" "name" => string(8) "leinwand" "name_eng" => string(6) "Canvas" "default" => string(2) "ja" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "1" "typ_id" => string(1) "2" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "2" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "20.86" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(83) "1UXMJXDDeDc,BR15JxFtLus,7ZcNV8saOms,Rdl7sHyCdG4,UJoG903Eks8,N2Y1co-hIHM,d9gKxPiF904" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(127) "Der Druck auf Leinwand ist eine beeindruckende Möglichkeit, ein Bild in perfekter Art und Weise direkt an die Wand zu hängen." "start_sort" => string(1) "2" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "500044,19,505306,500046" ) "Tapete" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "6" "name" => string(6) "tapete" "name_eng" => string(9) "Wallpaper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "6" "typ_id" => string(1) "6" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "21" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "20" "price" => string(5) "23.96" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(47) "R_mUPJikKmc,Z7JoJdTyGvg,3Q73PO8LL2g,5GPKyn4TPDQ" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(107) "Wir drucken Ihre Wunschtapete auf Vlies exakt nach Ihren Maßen. Ihre Wand wird zum Kunstwerk, riesengroß!" "start_sort" => string(1) "6" "google_cat" => string(36) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Tapeten" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2334" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2334,500044,500046" ) "Papier" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "name" => string(6) "papier" "name_eng" => string(5) "Paper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "2" "typ_id" => string(1) "1" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "1" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "16.67" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(35) "GgHcReyOXGs,yht5afOIa8k,AnX-JvWQUaE" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(111) "Der Druck auf Künstlerpapier, auf Wunsch gerahmt hinter Glas, ist nach wie vor die erste Wahl vieler Galerien." "start_sort" => string(1) "0" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(20) "500044,597,39,500046" ) "Tasse" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "14" "name" => string(5) "tasse" "name_eng" => string(3) "Mug" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "14" "typ_id" => string(2) "14" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "14" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "jJrLG2m19Ns" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(104) "Durch den hochwertigen Druck in Verbindung mit der glänzenden Oberfläche wird die Tasse zum Highlight." "start_sort" => string(2) "12" "google_cat" => string(90) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Tafelgeschirr > Trinkgefäße > Kaffee- und Teetassen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "6049" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "6049,500044,500046" ) "Fensterfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "27" "name" => string(12) "fensterfolie" "name_eng" => string(11) "Window-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "27" "typ_id" => string(2) "27" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "27" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "9.56" "video" => string(5) "false" "code" => string(0) "" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(134) "Lassen Sie Ihre Glasflächen in einem neuen Look erstrahlen. Weiße Flächen erscheinen nach dem Druck, in diesem Bereich transpare …" "start_sort" => string(2) "22" "google_cat" => string(61) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Fensterdrapierung > Fensterfolie" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "5989" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "5989,3221,500044,500046" ) "Türfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "23" "name" => string(13) "türfolie" "name_eng" => string(9) "Door-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "23" "typ_id" => string(2) "23" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "23" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "13.00" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "OSxw_u2_B9U" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(103) "Mit unseren hochwertigen und einfach aufzubringenden Türfolien werden Ihre Türen zum neuen Hingucker." "start_sort" => string(2) "21" "google_cat" => string(43) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Deko-Aufkleber" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "3221" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "3221,500044,500046" ) "Untersetzer" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "29" "name" => string(11) "untersetzer" "name_eng" => string(14) "Drink-Coasters" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "29" "typ_id" => string(2) "29" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "29" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "3.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "qUMXTzMjvvU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(124) "Der neuste Trend für Ihre Tischdekoration oder auch als Fotogeschenk das absolute Highlight, sind individuelle Untersetzer." "start_sort" => string(2) "24" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Bar-Utensilien > Glasuntersetzer & Bierdeckel" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2363" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2363,500044,500046" ) "Kissen" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "17" "name" => string(6) "kissen" "name_eng" => string(6) "Pillow" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "17" "typ_id" => string(2) "17" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "17" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "19.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "0S7tzc09IZU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(125) "Wir bedrucken den Stoff vollflächig mit Ihrem Wunschmotiv und nähen anschließend. Dadurch entstehen keine weißen Ränder." "start_sort" => string(2) "15" "google_cat" => string(39) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Zierkissen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "4454" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "4454,500044,500046" ) "Glas-Schneidebrett" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "28" "name" => string(18) "glas-schneidebrett" "name_eng" => string(18) "Glass-Cuttingboard" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "28" "typ_id" => string(2) "28" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "28" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(5) "14.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "relHhTsfHVw" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(99) "Die Oberfläche weist eine messerschonende geriffelte Struktur auf und ist Spülmaschinen geeignet." "start_sort" => string(2) "23" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Küchenhelfer & -utensilien > Schneidebretter" "google_cat_id" => string(3) "666" "google_cat_id2" => string(17) "666,500044,500046" ) "Mousepad" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "name" => string(8) "mousepad" "name_eng" => string(8) "Mousepad" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "13" "typ_id" => string(2) "13" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "13" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "5" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "Hy81AEnUEsc" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(86) "Der hochwertige Druck macht unsere Mauspads zum neuen Liebling auf Ihrem Schreibtisch." "start_sort" => string(2) "11" "google_cat" => string(67) "Elektronik > Elektronisches Zubehör > Computerzubehör > Mousepads" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "1993" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "1993,500044,500046" ) "Poster" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "7" "name" => string(6) "poster" "name_eng" => string(6) "Poster" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "7" "typ_id" => string(1) "7" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "7" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "6" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "9.84" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(23) "kKrnEL325S0,YSD1jt92tV8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(119) "Nur Poster wäre wirklich nicht der passende Begriff für diese hochwertigen Ausdrucke auf feinstem Premium Fotopapier." "start_sort" => string(1) "7" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(13) "500044,500046" ) "Label" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(5) "label" "name_eng" => string(5) "Label" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "9" "typ_id" => string(1) "9" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "9" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "7" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(5) "10.80" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "acOSZNXbY2E" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(129) "Das Label besitzt eine High-Tech-Klebeschicht, die es auch bei sehr großen Formaten ermöglicht, völlig blasenfrei aufzukleben." "start_sort" => string(1) "9" "google_cat" => string(43) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Deko-Aufkleber" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "3221" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "3221,500044,500046" ) "Grußkarte" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "5" "name" => string(10) "grußkarte" "name_eng" => string(13) "Greeting-card" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "5" "typ_id" => string(1) "5" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "5" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "8" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "2.69" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "hp5afIjTZg8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(118) "Auf modernsten Drucksystemen entstehen alle Grußkarten in der gleichen Museumsqualität, wie unsere anderen Produkte." "start_sort" => string(2) "18" "google_cat" => string(62) "Kunst & Unterhaltung > Party & Feiern > Schenken > Grußkarten" "google_cat_id" => string(2) "95" "google_cat_id2" => string(24) "95,1371,24,500044,500046" ) "Tischdecke" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "22" "name" => string(10) "tischdecke" "name_eng" => string(10) "Tablecloth" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "22" "typ_id" => string(2) "22" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "22" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "8" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "14.26" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "QU5Puf9-ACs" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(136) "Die Tischdecke lässt Ihr zu Hause im neuen Design erstrahlen. Sie besteht aus einem leichtem Stoff, die Naht wird dem Muster ang …" "start_sort" => string(2) "20" "google_cat" => string(72) "Heim & Garten > Bett- und Haushaltswäsche > Tischwäsche > Tischtücher" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "4143" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "4143,500044,500046" ) "Schieferplatte" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "30" "name" => string(14) "schieferplatte" "name_eng" => string(13) "Slate-Platter" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "30" "typ_id" => string(2) "30" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "30" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(2) "10" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "18.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(23) "KkuMER8JyY0,K0gOzz9JlT8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(124) "Die natürliche Oberflächenstruktur mit welligen und abfallenden Rändern verleiht Ihren Motiven einen echten Schieferlook." "start_sort" => string(2) "25" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(22) "500044,2377,597,500046" ) ) "detailpage" => array(1) ( 0 => string(2) "14" ) ) }
) }{ protected _providers => array(3) ( 1 => array(1) ( "name" => string(12) "Panthermedia" ) 2 => array(1) ( "name" => string(12) "Fineartprint" ) 3 => array(1) ( "name" => string(3) "AKG" ) ) protected _id => string(8) "12081954" protected _id_string => string(10) "0012081954" protected _provider => integer 2 protected _provider_id => integer 12081954 protected _old => bool TRUE public _orm => object Model_Image_Fineartprint(37)
protected schattenfugenrahmen => array(5) ( "dekoframe1" => float 3.597 "dekoframe3" => float 3.597 "dekoframe6" => float 3.806 "dekoframe7" => float 3.806 "dekoframe9" => float 3.96 ) protected typId => string(2) "14" protected user => NULL protected merklisten => NULL protected productList => array(15) ( "Leinwand" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "2" "name" => string(8) "leinwand" "name_eng" => string(6) "Canvas" "default" => string(2) "ja" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "1" "typ_id" => string(1) "2" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "2" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "20.86" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(83) "1UXMJXDDeDc,BR15JxFtLus,7ZcNV8saOms,Rdl7sHyCdG4,UJoG903Eks8,N2Y1co-hIHM,d9gKxPiF904" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(127) "Der Druck auf Leinwand ist eine beeindruckende Möglichkeit, ein Bild in perfekter Art und Weise direkt an die Wand zu hängen." "start_sort" => string(1) "2" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "500044,19,505306,500046" ) "Tapete" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "6" "name" => string(6) "tapete" "name_eng" => string(9) "Wallpaper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "6" "typ_id" => string(1) "6" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "21" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "1" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "20" "price" => string(5) "23.96" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(47) "R_mUPJikKmc,Z7JoJdTyGvg,3Q73PO8LL2g,5GPKyn4TPDQ" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(107) "Wir drucken Ihre Wunschtapete auf Vlies exakt nach Ihren Maßen. Ihre Wand wird zum Kunstwerk, riesengroß!" "start_sort" => string(1) "6" "google_cat" => string(36) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Tapeten" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2334" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2334,500044,500046" ) "Papier" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "name" => string(6) "papier" "name_eng" => string(5) "Paper" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "2" "typ_id" => string(1) "1" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "1" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "16.67" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(35) "GgHcReyOXGs,yht5afOIa8k,AnX-JvWQUaE" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(111) "Der Druck auf Künstlerpapier, auf Wunsch gerahmt hinter Glas, ist nach wie vor die erste Wahl vieler Galerien." "start_sort" => string(1) "0" "google_cat" => string(60) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Kunst > Poster & Bildende Kunst" "google_cat_id" => string(6) "500044" "google_cat_id2" => string(20) "500044,597,39,500046" ) "Tasse" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "14" "name" => string(5) "tasse" "name_eng" => string(3) "Mug" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "14" "typ_id" => string(2) "14" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "14" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "jJrLG2m19Ns" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(104) "Durch den hochwertigen Druck in Verbindung mit der glänzenden Oberfläche wird die Tasse zum Highlight." "start_sort" => string(2) "12" "google_cat" => string(90) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Tafelgeschirr > Trinkgefäße > Kaffee- und Teetassen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "6049" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "6049,500044,500046" ) "Fensterfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "27" "name" => string(12) "fensterfolie" "name_eng" => string(11) "Window-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "27" "typ_id" => string(2) "27" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "27" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "2" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "9.56" "video" => string(5) "false" "code" => string(0) "" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(134) "Lassen Sie Ihre Glasflächen in einem neuen Look erstrahlen. Weiße Flächen erscheinen nach dem Druck, in diesem Bereich transpare …" "start_sort" => string(2) "22" "google_cat" => string(61) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Fensterdrapierung > Fensterfolie" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "5989" "google_cat_id2" => string(23) "5989,3221,500044,500046" ) "Türfolie" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "23" "name" => string(13) "türfolie" "name_eng" => string(9) "Door-Foil" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "23" "typ_id" => string(2) "23" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "23" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(5) "13.00" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "OSxw_u2_B9U" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(103) "Mit unseren hochwertigen und einfach aufzubringenden Türfolien werden Ihre Türen zum neuen Hingucker." "start_sort" => string(2) "21" "google_cat" => string(43) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Deko-Aufkleber" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "3221" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "3221,500044,500046" ) "Untersetzer" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "29" "name" => string(11) "untersetzer" "name_eng" => string(14) "Drink-Coasters" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "29" "typ_id" => string(2) "29" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "29" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "3" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "3.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "qUMXTzMjvvU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(124) "Der neuste Trend für Ihre Tischdekoration oder auch als Fotogeschenk das absolute Highlight, sind individuelle Untersetzer." "start_sort" => string(2) "24" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Bar-Utensilien > Glasuntersetzer & Bierdeckel" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "2363" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "2363,500044,500046" ) "Kissen" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "17" "name" => string(6) "kissen" "name_eng" => string(6) "Pillow" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "17" "typ_id" => string(2) "17" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "17" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "19.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "0S7tzc09IZU" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(125) "Wir bedrucken den Stoff vollflächig mit Ihrem Wunschmotiv und nähen anschließend. Dadurch entstehen keine weißen Ränder." "start_sort" => string(2) "15" "google_cat" => string(39) "Heim & Garten > Dekoration > Zierkissen" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "4454" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "4454,500044,500046" ) "Glas-Schneidebrett" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "28" "name" => string(18) "glas-schneidebrett" "name_eng" => string(18) "Glass-Cuttingboard" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "28" "typ_id" => string(2) "28" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "28" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "4" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(5) "14.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "relHhTsfHVw" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(99) "Die Oberfläche weist eine messerschonende geriffelte Struktur auf und ist Spülmaschinen geeignet." "start_sort" => string(2) "23" "google_cat" => string(82) "Heim & Garten > Küche & Esszimmer > Küchenhelfer & -utensilien > Schneidebretter" "google_cat_id" => string(3) "666" "google_cat_id2" => string(17) "666,500044,500046" ) "Mousepad" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "13" "name" => string(8) "mousepad" "name_eng" => string(8) "Mousepad" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "13" "typ_id" => string(2) "13" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "13" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "5" "kategorie" => string(7) "fashion" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "5" "price" => string(4) "6.90" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "Hy81AEnUEsc" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(86) "Der hochwertige Druck macht unsere Mauspads zum neuen Liebling auf Ihrem Schreibtisch." "start_sort" => string(2) "11" "google_cat" => string(67) "Elektronik > Elektronisches Zubehör > Computerzubehör > Mousepads" "google_cat_id" => string(4) "1993" "google_cat_id2" => string(18) "1993,500044,500046" ) "Poster" => array(21) ( "id" => string(1) "7" "name" => string(6) "poster" "name_eng" => string(6) "Poster" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(1) "7" "typ_id" => string(1) "7" "sort_scrollbar" => string(1) "7" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(3) "100" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "6" "kategorie" => string(6) "prints" "lieferzeit" => string(1) "4" "price" => string(4) "9.84" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(23) "kKrnEL325S0,YSD1jt92tV8" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(119) "Nur Poster wäre wirklich nicht der passende Begriff für diese hochwertigen Ausdrucke auf feinstem Premium Fotopapier." 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"start_sort" => string(2) "18" "google_cat" => string(62) "Kunst & Unterhaltung > Party & Feiern > Schenken > Grußkarten" "google_cat_id" => string(2) "95" "google_cat_id2" => string(24) "95,1371,24,500044,500046" ) "Tischdecke" => array(21) ( "id" => string(2) "22" "name" => string(10) "tischdecke" "name_eng" => string(10) "Tablecloth" "default" => string(4) "nein" "activate" => string(3) "yes" "view_id" => string(2) "22" "typ_id" => string(2) "22" "sort_scrollbar" => string(2) "22" "scrollbar_change_time" => string(2) "30" "sort_produktinfo" => string(1) "8" "kategorie" => string(5) "decor" "lieferzeit" => string(2) "12" "price" => string(5) "14.26" "video" => string(4) "true" "code" => string(11) "QU5Puf9-ACs" "start_site" => string(4) "true" "start_site_text" => string(136) "Die Tischdecke lässt Ihr zu Hause im neuen Design erstrahlen. 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"disable_entry" => object Model_Image_Disabled(37){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "45f074a9477eaf6b518466ae92b74fee512c4c4a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(7122) "SELECT `additional_categories`.`foto_id` AS `additional_categories:foto_id`, `additional_categories`.`akat1` AS `additional_cate …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(19)
protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(27) "image_additional_categories" protected _behaviors => array(0) protected _private_columns => bool FALSE }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public stat => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(18) "image_fineartprint" protected _object_plural => string(19) "image_fineartprints" protected _table_columns => array(85) ( "fotodb_fotos_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(15) "fotodb_fotos_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(1) "9" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataFile" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(25) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataFile" "column_default" => string(0) "" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataWidth" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(26) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataWidth" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(17) "smallint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "5" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataHeight" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(27) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataHeight" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(17) "smallint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "5" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataKb" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataKb" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "display" => string(1) "5" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataType" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(25) "fotodb_fotos_bildDataType" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_disclaimer" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_disclaimer" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_bildName" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(21) "fotodb_fotos_bildName" "column_default" => string(0) "" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "80" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(21) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort2" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(22) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort2" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort_de" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(24) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort_de" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort_en" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(24) "fotodb_fotos_suchwort_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_desc" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(17) "fotodb_fotos_desc" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_kategorie1" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_kategorie1" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_kategorie2" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_kategorie2" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_kategorie3" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_kategorie3" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_serie" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(18) "fotodb_fotos_serie" "column_default" => string(0) "" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_allow_cd" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(21) "fotodb_fotos_allow_cd" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_allow_exklusiv" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(27) "fotodb_fotos_allow_exklusiv" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_allow_print" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(24) "fotodb_fotos_allow_print" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_erscheinen" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_erscheinen" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_shopinshop" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_shopinshop" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_vertrieb" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(21) "fotodb_fotos_vertrieb" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_datum" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(18) "fotodb_fotos_datum" "column_default" => string(10) "0000-00-00" "data_type" => string(4) "date" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 24 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_author" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(19) "fotodb_fotos_author" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 25 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_freigabe" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(21) "fotodb_fotos_freigabe" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 26 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_freigabe_fc" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(24) "fotodb_fotos_freigabe_fc" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 27 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_freigabedetail" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(27) "fotodb_fotos_freigabedetail" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 28 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_redakteur" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(22) "fotodb_fotos_redakteur" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 29 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_history" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(20) "fotodb_fotos_history" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 30 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_redaktionell" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(25) "fotodb_fotos_redaktionell" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 31 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_modelrelease" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(25) "fotodb_fotos_modelrelease" "column_default" => string(0) "" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 32 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_propertyrelease" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(28) "fotodb_fotos_propertyrelease" "column_default" => string(0) "" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 33 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_message2red" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(24) "fotodb_fotos_message2red" "column_default" => string(0) "" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 34 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_ranking" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(20) "fotodb_fotos_ranking" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 35 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_ba" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_ba" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 36 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_fc" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_fc" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 37 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_upid" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(17) "fotodb_fotos_upid" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 38 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_searchwordset" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(26) "fotodb_fotos_searchwordset" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 39 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_redaktionvisit" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(27) "fotodb_fotos_redaktionvisit" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 40 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_on_cd" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(18) "fotodb_fotos_on_cd" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 41 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_visited" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(20) "fotodb_fotos_visited" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 42 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_visited_ba" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(23) "fotodb_fotos_visited_ba" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 43 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_visited_ba2" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(24) "fotodb_fotos_visited_ba2" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 44 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_download" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(21) "fotodb_fotos_download" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 45 "display" => string(2) "10" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_bought" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(19) "fotodb_fotos_bought" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 46 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_price" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(18) "fotodb_fotos_price" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 47 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_folder" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(19) "fotodb_fotos_folder" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 48 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_kommentare_int" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(27) "fotodb_fotos_kommentare_int" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 49 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_week_faktor" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(32) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_week_faktor" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 50 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_month" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(26) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_month" "column_default" => string(10) "0000-00-00" "data_type" => string(4) "date" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 51 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_ever_int" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(29) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_ever_int" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 52 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_searchword_set" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(27) "fotodb_fotos_searchword_set" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 53 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_color_set" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(22) "fotodb_fotos_color_set" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 54 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_watermark" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(22) "fotodb_fotos_watermark" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 55 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_collection_status" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(30) "fotodb_fotos_collection_status" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 56 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_collection_rank" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(28) "fotodb_fotos_collection_rank" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(18) "mediumint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 57 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_collection_kuendigung" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(34) "fotodb_fotos_collection_kuendigung" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 58 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_allow_collection" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(29) "fotodb_fotos_allow_collection" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 59 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_collection_datum" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(29) "fotodb_fotos_collection_datum" "column_default" => string(10) "0000-00-00" "data_type" => string(4) "date" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 60 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_collection_datum_end" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(33) "fotodb_fotos_collection_datum_end" "column_default" => string(10) "0000-00-00" "data_type" => string(4) "date" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 61 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_collection_code" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(28) "fotodb_fotos_collection_code" "column_default" => string(0) "" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 62 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "20" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_collection_datum_admin" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(35) "fotodb_fotos_collection_datum_admin" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 63 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_sperre" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(19) "fotodb_fotos_sperre" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 64 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_typ" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(16) "fotodb_fotos_typ" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 65 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "20" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "sw_sph" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "sw_sph" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 66 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "sw_prio1_de" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "sw_prio1_de" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 67 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "sw_prio2_de" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "sw_prio2_de" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 68 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "sw_prio1_en" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "sw_prio1_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 69 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "sw_prio2_en" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "sw_prio2_en" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(8) "longtext" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 70 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_fav" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(16) "fotodb_fotos_fav" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 71 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_genre" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(18) "fotodb_fotos_genre" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 72 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_kat" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(16) "fotodb_fotos_kat" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 73 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_gal" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(16) "fotodb_fotos_gal" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 74 "display" => string(1) "8" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_datum" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(26) "fotodb_fotos_ranking_datum" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 75 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "is_in_fotodb_fotos" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(18) "is_in_fotodb_fotos" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 76 "display" => string(1) "3" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "com_freigabe_sperre" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(19) "com_freigabe_sperre" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 77 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "last_update" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "last_update" "column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "data_type" => string(9) "timestamp" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 78 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(27) "on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "image_freigabe_tapete" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(21) "image_freigabe_tapete" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 79 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "image_freigabe_sonderprojekte" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(29) "image_freigabe_sonderprojekte" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 80 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(66) "0 - nicht geprueft, 1 - vorgeschlagen, 2 - abgelehnt, 3 - entfernt" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "redaktions_datum" => array(10) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(16) "redaktions_datum" "column_default" => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" "data_type" => string(8) "datetime" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 81 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "is_muster" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(9) "is_muster" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 82 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "old_ranking" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(8) "16777215" "column_name" => string(11) "old_ranking" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(10) "mediumtext" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 83 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "mp_release" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "binary" => bool TRUE "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(10) "mp_release" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "blob" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 84 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) "img_hash" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(8) "img_hash" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 85 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "250" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb4_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(20) "select,insert,update" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key_value => string(8) "12081954" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "45f074a9477eaf6b518466ae92b74fee512c4c4a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(7122) "SELECT `additional_categories`.`foto_id` AS `additional_categories:foto_id`, `additional_categories`.`akat1` AS `additional_cate …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(19)
protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(14) "image_disabled" protected _behaviors => array(0) protected _private_columns => bool FALSE }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public stat => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(6) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(13) "" "database" => string(9) "schubert1" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE "profiling" => bool TRUE ) }{ protected _connection_id => string(40) "45f074a9477eaf6b518466ae92b74fee512c4c4a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(7122) "SELECT `additional_categories`.`foto_id` AS `additional_categories:foto_id`, `additional_categories`.`akat1` AS `additional_cate …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(19)
protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(18) "image_fineartprint" protected _behaviors => array(0) protected _private_columns => bool FALSE }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public stat => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(6) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(13) "" "database" => string(9) "schubert1" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE "profiling" => bool TRUE ) }{ protected _file => string(72) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/kohana-3.3.0/application/views/template.php" protected _data => array(0) }
public auto_render => bool TRUE public request => object Request(19){ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
public response => object Response(5){ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(39) "(<controller>(/<typ>(/<id>(/<stuff>))))" protected _regex => array(1) ( "stuff" => string(2) ".*" ) protected _defaults => array(2) ( "controller" => string(8) "Products" "action" => string(5) "index" ) protected _route_regex => string(111) "#^(?:(?P<controller>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<typ>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<id>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<stuff>.*))?)?)?)?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(8) "Products" protected _action => string(5) "index" protected _uri => string(20) "products/14/12081954" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(2) ( "typ" => string(2) "14" "id" => string(8) "12081954" ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ protected _status => integer 200 protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
}{ }
protected _body => string(0) "" protected _cookies => array(0) protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" }89 90 // Create a new instance of the controller 91 $controller = $class->newInstance($request, $response); 92 93 // Run the controller's execute() method 94 $response = $class->getMethod('execute')->invoke($controller); 95 96 if ( ! $response instanceof Response) 97 { 98 // Controller failed to return a Response. 99 throw new Kohana_Exception('Controller failed to return a Response');
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client.php [ 114 ] » Kohana_Request_Client_Internal->execute_request(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(39) "(<controller>(/<typ>(/<id>(/<stuff>))))" protected _regex => array(1) ( "stuff" => string(2) ".*" ) protected _defaults => array(2) ( "controller" => string(8) "Products" "action" => string(5) "index" ) protected _route_regex => string(111) "#^(?:(?P<controller>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<typ>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<id>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<stuff>.*))?)?)?)?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(8) "Products" protected _action => string(5) "index" protected _uri => string(20) "products/14/12081954" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(2) ( "typ" => string(2) "14" "id" => string(8) "12081954" ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
object Response(5)
{ protected _status => integer 200 protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
{ }
protected _body => string(0) "" protected _cookies => array(0) protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" }109 $orig_response = $response = Response::factory(['_protocol' => $request->protocol()]); 110 111 if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache) 112 return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response); 113 114 $response = $this->execute_request($request, $response); 115 116 // Execute response callbacks 117 foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback) 118 { 119 if ($response->headers($header))
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request.php [ 1000 ] » Kohana_Request_Client->execute(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(39) "(<controller>(/<typ>(/<id>(/<stuff>))))" protected _regex => array(1) ( "stuff" => string(2) ".*" ) protected _defaults => array(2) ( "controller" => string(8) "Products" "action" => string(5) "index" ) protected _route_regex => string(111) "#^(?:(?P<controller>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<typ>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<id>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<stuff>.*))?)?)?)?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(8) "Products" protected _action => string(5) "index" protected _uri => string(20) "products/14/12081954" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(2) ( "typ" => string(2) "14" "id" => string(8) "12081954" ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}995 throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', [ 996 ':uri' => $this->_uri, 997 ]); 998 } 999 1000 return $this->_client->execute($this); 1001 } 1002 1003 /** 1004 * Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received. 1005 * Can be used to test for sub requests.
/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/pages/kl.php [ 4 ] » Kohana_Request->execute()
1 <?php 2 $route = isset($_GET['route']) ? $_GET['route'] : '/'; 3 $request = Request::factory($route); 4 $response = $request->execute(); 5 $content[0] = $response->body();
/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/index2.php [ 499 ] » include(arguments)
string(41) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/pages/kl.php"
494 495 // Load Page-Content 496 if(isset($_REQUEST["hilfe"]) && $_REQUEST["hilfe"] == 1) { 497 include("pages/hilfe.php"); 498 } else if($is_page === true && file_exists("pages/".$page) && is_file("pages/".$page)) { 499 include("pages/".$page); 500 } else { 501 // include("pages/notfound.php"); 502 header ("Location: ".SERVER_HOST, true, 301); 503 exit(); 504 }
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Zend OPcache |
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string(1) "0" |
Spider_Baidu_Remaining |
string(1) "0" |
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string(0) "" |
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string(29) "/home/www/nfs-data/html-data/" |
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string(29) "" |
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string(8) "HTTP/1.1" |
string(3) "GET" |
string(38) "page=kl.php&route=products/14/12081954" |
string(15) "/tasse/12081954" |
string(11) "/index2.php" |
string(11) "/index2.php" |
float 1741676554.559 |
integer 1741676554 |