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Mein Steckbrief
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  • KĂŒnstlerisch tĂ€tig seit: keine Angabe
  • Letzter Login: 25.07.2023
  • Bevorzugte Motive: Natur, Abstrakte Malerei, Industrie, GebĂ€ude, Akt-Fotografie, dinamische Objekte...
  • Stil: Freie Abstrakte Kunst, Klassik, Collage, 3D-Objekte, Macroaufnahme, abstrakte Malerei, feine Spachteltechnik, Holzschnitte etc.
  • Meine Einstellung zu Kritik: Offene, sachliche Kritik und VerbesserungsvorschlĂ€ge sind ausdrĂŒcklich erwĂŒnscht. Ich möchte, dass meine Bilder immer ehrlich bewertet werden.
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Persönliche Angaben ĂŒber mich

Artistic creation sometimes presents to our view pale works that are far removed from what we might term reality, either figurative or transformed.
Vitali Skacidub gives us a personal vision of this reality, which pushes the artist's prerogative of creation to the extreme , transporting us into spaces where the melting lines will not permit us to distinguish anything, signified by shapes in contrasting colours. Dominated by the creative hand of the painter, the colours and material enable the eye to penetrate to heart of the abstraction and be guided by the emotions. The Way to the Infinite: that is the definition of the works of Vitali Skacidub ...

* was born in 1962 in Rostov on Don, former USSR. He came to painting in 1965-1969. He began with watercolors, and then a pencil and crayon, oil, and for 10 years mainly acrylic paints...

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